Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Life

I realized that I haven't updated recently, but a lot has been on my mind. Therefore, this will be a jumble of thoughts and experiences that I've had since my last post.

We will begin with my
[Provo Word of the Day](please imagine this being said in Oprah's voice) And the word of the day is....
usual said in question form, a sign of disbelief or skepticism. Said in all other states as, "For real?"

Next, I would like to regretfully inform you that Rancho Market (the hispanic food store on State) does [not] carry Salsa. This caused a lot of confusion when Katherine and I walked ourselves over there, fully expecting to purchase some awesome salsa. So if you are in need of a salsa fix, just head yourself on over to Macey's or plan on making it yourself. Though, if you're in need of Rague, Rancho Market is the place for you, because they do carry that. Please tell me that you're also struck by the utter ridiculousness of this.

Now for something completely different.
I had the wonderful pleasure of seeing my darling friends Jon and Mary this past weekend! They were here for the wedding of Jon's best friend. Mary stayed with me and it was SO good to have her here. I adore her and we always have a blast together. On Monday morning, I attempted gluten free pancakes for them. I thought they tasted just fine, but Jon let me know that they were more like panwafers. Oh well, just another notch on the gluten free cooking adventure belt!

On that note,
Am I a domestic goddess?
Why, yes. Yes I am.
A few weeks ago, for dinner group I made gluten free onion rings.
Let me repeat that for you. I [made] gluten free onion rings! Unfortunately, only a select few people showed up to dinner group to enjoy the glorious deliciousness.

This past week for dinner group I made Laura-made gluten free macaroni and cheese. Now I'm not talking out of a box; lets not be silly now. I mean real cheesy awesomeness.
My next cooking adventure will be Oreos!

So anywho, I think that's all I've got for you today.

Wait! Before I go, can I just tell you....can I just TELL you how excited I am??
Because 7 days from now, I will be on my way to Denver with some of my very favorite dancers to attend MILE HIGH BLUES!
For those of you who don't know what that means, I'll explain.
It is a blues dancing exchange, where dancers from all over the country gather to attend workshops and just dance all weekend! It is bound to be entirely too epic to handle.
and I. Can't. WAIT.

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