Monday, August 9, 2010


I went to Walmart today to get juice.
My checker was wearing suspenders and I paid for my juice with I was a bit distracted.
I grabbed my receipt and my bag and this is the conversation that followed.
Me: Thanks.
Checker: Yeah, enjoy. (referring to my juice..i hope)
Me: You tooo....inaudible trail off.
 (Love it when I say "You too." at the wrong time.)
Anywho, 2 down and and 1 to go.
On Thursday, despite all the stress and minor meltdowns, my darling friend, Lauren, married her wonderful man, Colton. 
It was a truly picture perfect wedding and I am so grateful that I got to be a part of it. I love them and wish them all the happiness in the world. 

On a slightly related but not really note, for the past few months, Colton has been telling me all about his friend that would be perfect for me. When he first started telling me about Berkinbots (not his real name) I didn't think much of it because he was on his mission and still had about a year to go. Well, crazy random happenstance, Berk hurt his knee, wasn't healing well and was sent home, unable to complete his mission. He was at the wedding. I was all sorts of nervous at the prospect of meeting this young man, which was pointless, because I didn't even get to meet him. I did, however see him. Everybody really couldn't miss him if you tried.
Berk was wearing a bright (and I mean BRIGHT) pink shirt.
Katrina pointed out that he had checked her out and looked like a tool. She even suggested that I date him and take him on Tool Academy.
Despite the pink shirt and tool box look, I'm not going to give up on him completely.
In fact, I'm sure he's absolutely lovely.
I just texted Lauren to have her set me up on a date with him...we'll see how that goes.
(be aware that if I ever actually date Berk, this post will be edited.)

Subject change.
So, classes start in 2 weeks. Which means that I need to start forming better living habits.
I'll be taking a Life Fitness class this semester and I am dreading looking forward to it. I just really need to start running so I don't die my first day of class. I will henceforth be documenting how things go with this running thing.
Today was day one of Project Productivity.
I went to bed at 1 am and thought to myself, "Eeeeh...hell, I'll just start on Tuesday."
It should probably be noted that I've been trying at this for a couple of  years weeks now and that same sort of though keeps myself yet to be in shape.
I slept until 10 this morning and wasn't even out of the house to do anything until 1ish.
We were supposed to play Fugitive for Family Home Evening tonight and I was just going to count that as my physical activity of the day.
I guess the plan has changed to playing volleyball...well, I'm not really sure I can count that now.
We'll try again tomorrow...hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. That is cool you are being open-minded to Berk despite his poor fashion sense and knack for checking out your girlfriends. Keep us posted on how that goes!
