Friday, February 26, 2010

[The object has no value if it lacks rythmic oscelation.]

In other words... It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!

Last month I fell in love.
Can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars, over the fence kind of love.


My first night in Provo, Katherine took Jon and I blues dancing.
I discovered two things that night. First, I was a terrible(!) follow. Second, I wanted nothing more than to devote my time to becoming better. And so began my love affair with movement.
Swing, Blues, Hip Hop, Jazz, name it, I'll try it!
I can no longer imagine a week without dancing. I used to be a person that danced occasionally, but now I think it's pretty safe to say that I am a dancer. My fellow dancers understand the need, the drive, the [addiction.] If you don't understand, I'm not sure there's an adequate way to explain it.
Don't worry, I'm no longer a terrible follow. In fact, I'd say I'm pretty decent and I'm improving every day. I owe this to my beautifully patient friends that have taken the time to work with me and to pretty much every lead I've ever danced with. I learn something new every time I dance.

Not only am I in love with dance itself, but I'm in love with the culture. It seems that the moment I became a dancer, I gained an entirely new set of friends; a group of people that love me simply for loving the same thing they do.

[[Blues] Where we stop thinking, start feeling and live through momentum] -Katherine Gee

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